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Effective teaching with large groups of students

September 2009


Modul II, Themenbereich 4


This workshop provides tools and strategies for university professors to make their classes more effective. Questions addressed include the following:

(1) How do students learn? How do teachers teach? What goes wrong in the process?
(2) How do I plan a course? What can I do in the first week to get it off to a good start?
(3) What do I need to do to be an effective lecturer?
(4) How can I get students actively involved in learning, even if there are 200 in the class (active learning)?
(5) How can students be taught to work effectively in teams (cooperative learning), and how should teamwork be implemented to maximize the learning that results from it?
(6) What are common student problems and problem students, and how can I deal with them?



Prof. Dr. Richard Felder
Dr. Rebecca Brent  

Th/Fr, 17./18.09.2009
jeweils ganztägig

Universität Freiburg


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