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Case Study Teaching

Juli 2008


Modul II / Themenbereich 2 (1)


Case study teaching has a long tradition in medical, business and law schools. It is particularly effective in both MBA teaching and executive education. However, increasingly case studies are being found useful in undergraduate teaching, and even in subjects such as philosophy, engineering and pedagogy. The main advantage of the case study method is that it challenges students to apply theory and concepts to real–life situations. This two-day workshop introduces when and how to teach using cases.

Throughout the two days the focus will be on communicating practical ways in which the participants can adopt case study teaching into their repertoire of teaching methods. It will cover: the main types of case studies, choosing when to use cases and when to use lecturing or other approaches, selecting suitable cases, running effective case study discussions, and introduce how to write a case study. In covering the fundamentals of case teaching, actual case studies and exercises will be used to give participants “live” experience of the method. At the end of the workshop, recommendations on “next steps” and the key literature will be given.



Prof. Keith Goffin, Ph.D.  

Do/Fr, 10./11.07.2008
jeweils ganztägig

Universität Freiburg

